The Black Death, the infamous pandemic of bubonic plague, tormented Europa in 1347 and the years thereafter, and killed one-third of the European human population. However, after this massive demographic disaster the plague did not just disappear, and for centuries it kept resurfacing throughout European towns and cities, be it on a smaller scale than before. One of the towns visited by the Black Death was Darlington in county Durham in England. For the purpose of this book, the parish registers of the Parish of Darlington in county Durham in England were explored in order to find periods in which demographic crises appeared in Darlington that can be linked to the Black Death. As it occurs, the Darlington parish registers reveal a series of three separate demographic crises in Darlington during the period 1591-1631. All of these crises appear to be related to the Black Death, at the time also known as the Plague or the Pestilence. In this book, the background and causes of these three demographic crises will be investigated and discussed. Enjoy! (Scientific edition with endnotes and bibliography -- eBook pdf file 58 pages all in, delivered via internet download - we are working on getting printed books available as soon as possible).